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How using Oracle cards can create connection to your Feminine Spirit in just 5mins a day

by | Sep 15, 2020 | 2020, Daily Soul Conversations, Your Spiritual Connection

“Drawing a daily Oracle card inspires your day with awareness and creativity which then speaks to the Feminine Spirit within you.

Hey there my fellow

Creative Heart,

One of the most common challenges I see my fellow Creative Hearts experience is trying to balance your need to feel connected to Spirit with a busy life that demands so much of you and leaves little time for your needs.

Oracle cards are commonly seen as a divination tool psychics use to conduct readings for others.  Yet, one of their hidden secrets is how powerful they can be to set up connection with the feminine spirit within you when used as part of a quick five minute morning routine.

Drawing a daily oracle card inspires your day with awareness and creativity, which then speaks to the feminine spirit within you.  You will find yourself walking through your day mindful of the message you received from your Oracle card, signalling to the Universe you are open and receptive to receive more guidance and synchronicity that moves you forward with your life.  This very simple practice of awareness is key to embodying a life experience that is aligned with your purpose and destiny.

Being gentle in nature and inspired with creative energy, Oracle cards are very much a tool that spark the Divine Feminine soul energy within you which is responsible for your intuition, your purpose and your ability to co-create with the Universe.  All of which feeds the Creative Heart Feminine Spirit that you naturally are.

My favourite way to start the day is with a spot of journaling and drawing an Oracle card from one of my favourite decks.  Choosing which deck to work with is important in regards to your intentions and while I totally recommend trusting in your intuition and the deck you feel drawn to,  here is a quick video on How to choose your Oracle cards. That will help.

As Creative Hearts, we often have a tendency to take our spiritual journey’s a little too seriously at times.  I know I am guilty of that all the time, therefore one of the reasons I love using Oracle cards is for their light hearted energy.  They are a fun, easy going tool to enjoy that gets the job done when it comes to helping you feel connected to Spirit.

So from one Creative Heart to another, give yourself permission to honour that soul urge for connection and to open that door to appeasing any sense of restlessness and begin having a daily conversation with the Feminine Spirit within you.  Aren’t you curious to see where that might lead?  I know I am curious for you.

Got a question or want to share your favourite Oracle card deck with me, please be sure to comment below.  No comment goes unloved 🙂

with love & gratitude,

go deeper with more resources

Activate Your Oracle cards video training workshop for just $9.00


Purchase my Spirit Guide Wisdom insight cards here:



Hi, I’m Kerrie Wearing and I am a Spiritual Leader and mentor in the Feminine Spirit Mediumship.

As a psychic medium soul coach with over 20years of experience, I support women to embody their mediumship with the energy of Divine Feminine.  This expands your mediumship to embody your purpose and have you show up in life as the sensual, confident, co-creative being you are that is naturally aligned with your destiny and expands your relationship with Spirit.

More about Kerrie…

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